The Power of Clapping
Psalm 47:1 Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph!
Generally clapping is an expression of appreciation or honor for someone, such as welcoming.
Saints of God will clap during an up tempo chorus or song and many of us are familiar with the request to “give the Lord a hand clap”.
There is “nervous clapping”, a response when we quite don’t know what the right response is or should be, so we clap.
The word “clap” in this setting is analogous to “driving a nail”, in Hebrew ‘taqa’, a word for praise. When we clap, we’re driving a nail, declaring something is true and affirming the supremacy of God over circumstances.
We’re driving a nail of victory in the devil’s coffin. We’re driving a nail of commitment of the Lordship of Jesus.
Go ahead and “give the Lord a clap offering”.