Grace In Vain???

2 Cor. 6: 1 We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain.

There is much being stated about grace and all the benefits available by receiving it.  With some the implication is that once received it can never be lost. What is Paul referring to receiving grace in vain then?

In reading the balance of this chapter there are several things that would cause grace to vain.

  • Reverting back to a performance mentality. This is connected with our understanding of Father Heart of God.
  • Failing to redeem opportunities we encounter. Leonard Ravenhill said “The opportunity of a life time must be taken in the life time of the opportunity.”
  • Reverting back to a lifestyle of pre-grace. This goes beyond a performance based mind set, including but not limited to unregenerate behaviors, attitudes and values.

Grace receives the Father’s unconditional acceptance of us because of His overwhelming love. Seizing opportunities orchestrated by the Father.  Refusing to “go back”.  A gospel song from years ago “I won’t go back”!

Let’s receive productive, growing, nurturing grace.  Then sow that kind of grace into other’s  lives.