
Lam. 3:25, 26  The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him.
It is good that one should hope and wait quietly For the salvation of the Lord.

Waiting often is viewed like treading water, expending a lot of energy without much progress.  When it comes to “waiting for Him” the perception often is that of being idle, doing nothing.  However the word “wait” isn’t referring to twiddling our thumbs.  It speaks of wrapping His word and promises with our hearts and minds with “expectation” or hope!

To the degree we “expect” (wait) for God, the goodness of God is revealed. Meditate on His word and His promises, walking in His light.  You’ll discover the goodness of God’s salvation in whatever may be the challenge that confronts you.

Wait for Him!  Wait on Him!