
Job 10 When Life Doesn’t Make Sense This chapter is a continuation from the previous one, by Job; with comments not necessarily directed toward the comforters, but more an internal reasoning. It’s been said that the most important conversations we have are those with ourselves. We observe that in Job’s challenges and afflictions. The line…

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Job 7 Victor or Victim

We now have Bildad the Shuhite’s response to Job’s statements and condition. We discover he essentially makes an accusation against Job, even more strong that his fellow comforter Eliphaz, aginst Job. Declaring that he must have sinned or his children would not have been killed. If Job would but “earnestly seek God” and pray; if…

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Job 23 You’re Gold

Over the next two chapters Job pours out his heart as to how and what he feels about the seeming lack of consolation and comfort; not only from God, as well as his three “friends”. They have said little to bring him comfort in the midst of this affliction or conviction of any transgression he…

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Job 22 Don’t Give Up

Eliphaz commences another round of discourse and argument against and to Job for the position he perceives tenaciously held by Job. Most of things Eliphaz and his two friends declare against Job are false assumptions that are magnified in their own minds, followed by comments that are totally unfounded and without merit against this man…

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Job 21 Let’s Agree to Disagree

Job seizes the moment to speak from his heart words that refute and take apart the “comforters” false allegations and doctrines. It’s interesting that Job has held his peace, for the most part, throughout his response by not declaring things about his friends in a personal manner. There has been an increasing crescendo of his…

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Job 20 Man Up or Shut Up

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and as they are talking it’s in the third person or they don’t mention the name of the one they are talking about; yet you know who it is they are referring to? So is the case with this so called “comforter”, Zophar. With few exceptions…

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Job 19 My Redeemer Lives

There’s an adage we all quoted as children growing up, until we discovered all too soon it was a lie. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!” We’ve since discovered the wounds of words are greater than physical abuse in many cases. Job says essentially the same thing (vs.2)…

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