Job 20 Man Up or Shut Up

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and as they are talking it’s in the third person or they don’t mention the name of the one they are talking about; yet you know who it is they are referring to? So is the case with this so called “comforter”, Zophar. With few exceptions this entire chapter is directed solely at Job, whose name he doesn’t reference; except by implication in the opening verses. This “comforter” disdains Job and refuses to consider that his assessment is wrong, he’s right and no one can talk him out of this because this man, who is full of air, refuses to listen to me.

The very opening we read that Zophar refers to Job as “wicked” a “hypocrite”; full of pride (haughtiness) and has a big head. There seems to be the propagation of annihilation of mankind after death and/or that of the wicked dead. There is not one shred of Biblical evidence to support that heretical doctrine.

A consequence of his “secret sin” against God is that Job’s children would serve the poor, thereby becoming the poorest of the poor. Everything that he builds will ultimately be taken from him. Verse twelve is referring to the secret sin; implying that Job refused to repent or deal with it as he should. The poison of his thoughts and secret transgressions cause him to be literally sick. In his past, Zophar accuses Job of not caring for the orphan or families that fell on hard times.

Job is referred to as being “self-sufficient”, even though he’s in distress and misery.

These next few verses (vs. 23 – 28) are subtle indications that the recorder of these conversations and the characters, knew of the transgressions in Israel during the forty years of wandering in the wilderness. The primary event appears to be that of Korah and his friends in rebellion against leadership.

We had best keep our mouths and minds shut to judgmentalism against anyone; but especially toward those of like precious faith. Also, if we have something to say to or about someone, speak to them one on one, not indirect like this coward Zophar. It’s referred to in some circles as “manning up”.