Job 21 Let’s Agree to Disagree

Job seizes the moment to speak from his heart words that refute and take apart the “comforters” false allegations and doctrines. It’s interesting that Job has held his peace, for the most part, throughout his response by not declaring things about his friends in a personal manner. There has been an increasing crescendo of his godly character that culminates in this chapter.

Job’s complaint wasn’t “against man”, instead it was against God. If it were against man, he would have a right to be impatient. The implication is clear that he now seems resigned to simply waiting on God. He now begins to take apart the argument that it is only evil men who face the judgement of God. If that were true, why do they have long lives that filled with prosperity and they get to see their children settle down, but also their grandchildren? Their houses aren’t destroyed, yet they are known as wicked or evil men.

These men and their families have lives filled with joy and gladness; yet in a “moment go down to the grave.” During their lifetimes they have made it known privately and publicly they wanted nothing to do with God. They failed to see and benefit for listening to Him. When they do die, they are not aware of their family, house or possessions. In death, “worms cover them.”

Job was fully aware of the thoughts and plans of his “comforters” being against him. He no longer owned a home, not even a tent to live in. For some of the wicked, they will receive judgement after this life is complete; which he refers to as “the day of doom” and “the day of wrath.” Unlike Job these men were intimidated to bring a charge against a leader of the city.

When they do die, their graves are in lush and well-watered locations. This indicates their belief in a resurrection. How would these men “comfort” Job, when they speak “empty words” and “falsehood” against him? They honestly couldn’t!

Another adage we’ve all heard; “let’s agree to disagree”. The implication being we don’t have to assassinate one another’s personhood; yet we can speak our convictions and hold fast to our values.