2 Chron. 34 Let No One Despise Your Youth
After Amon’s death, Josiah came to the throne. We read here a condensed version of what is recorded in 2 Kings 22 & 23; which both records the young king’s leading the renewal and revival of Israel and Judah. It’s interesting that as quickly as Amon set up the altars for idol worship, Josiah tore them down. This was not only true for these two kings; but also for others too.
Another interesting facet we read through the history of monarchial rule is how important they viewed the total destruction of idolatry; to the point of tearing down the idols and destroying them. Josiah and other godly leaders paved the way in making a clean break from all the vestiges of idolatry so that the nation would have a single focus of heart. As leaders, we need to admonish people to make a clean break from idolatry as well; not leaving any place for compromise or becoming double minded.
Keep in mind that Josiah was a teenager when he led Judah in this action. Could it be that this one of the occasions Paul had in mind when he said to “let no one despise your youth” in writing to the young apostle Timothy?
Josiah had an opportunity to hear the word of the Lord that had been discovered and had it read publicly. Upon hearing it, he led Judah to a new level in purity and sanctification.
We also read where musicians were hired to encourage workmen to be and do all they were able to; beyond their own limited ability or thinking.
Again as leaders we have responsibility to lead people to places and status they’ve never been in the realm of the spirit. The question is, “Will we work in cooperation with the Spirit of God?”
Answer yes and experience God in a whole new dimension.
The value of worship is evidenced here as well. When faced with challenges, worship is always an appropriate response.
With every godly leader, we witness integrity at every level, not just in spiritual; but also in natural areas, was read in verses 14 – 18.
Huldah, a prophetess read the word of the Lord and also about the “man who sent” them that the words would in fact come to pass with great devastation for Judah; however not during Josiah’s life. This was a direct result of his immediate response to what was in his heart; repentance and cleansing.
Let’s be among those prompt to respond to the things of the Lord and in a manner that will bring about a true holiness to the Lord.