1 Cor. 2 The Spiritual Man
In validating his apostolic office, Paul reminds the Corinthians how he came to them; not with flattering words or wisdom, but in “demonstration of the Spirit and of power” in God. When he refers to having come to them in “weakness”, the context doesn’t agree with the thought of a physical infirmity or mental lack;…
Read More1 Cor. 1 Apostolic Correction
First and Second Corinthians were written by Paul, having been the one who planted the church and had visited it at least twice, based on scripture. The Church of Corinth was comprised similarily as the Church of Rome, with Jewish and Gentile/Greek converts. The city was a commercial hub in the Roman Empire, as well…
Read MoreRomans 16 Thank You!
One of the characteristics of Paul was that he often gave thanks for specific individuals who were a part of his ministry and opened doors for them as a result. He begins a list of those to whom appreciation and thanks were given. The first was for a woman Phoebe, a deaconess in the church. Paul encouraged the Church…
Read MoreRomans 15 What Biblical Unity Looks Like
Paul continues to encourage cultivating authentic community with Jew and Gentile believers, laying aside their cultural backgrounds to establish a clear expression what Christian unity or better yet, oneness. The opening verse would seem to be directed toward the Gentile segment of the Church in Rome, as they (the Gentiles) didn’t have challenges with diet…
Read MoreRomans 14 Matters of Conscience
This is a continuation from the previous chapter where Paul addressed the Church of Rome’s relationship with civil government officials. In this chapter he addresses issues that were causing contention between new converts to the faith from Gentile and Jewish backgrounds. The Jews wanted to retain portions of their distinctive laws concerning what kinds of…
Read MoreRomans 13 Lives of Light in Cultural Darkness
Paul wrote to the church in Rome during a season which an edict had just been issued to deport all Jews and likely Christians as well. The cultural climate was not conducive to being a Jew or a Christian. As we read this chapter, let that be the backdrop we view Paul’s admonitions. While reading…
Read MoreRomans 12 Doing Church in a Blended Congregation
Paul continues his admonition directed primarily, but not exclusively, to the Gentiles in the church at Rome. Rather than continuing in their previous lifestyles that were characterized by an absence of holiness and purity, he appeals to them to “present” their bodies “a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” Living…
Read MoreRomans 11 Gentiles Be On Guard!
Paul has been speaking to the Jewish portion of the congregation in the church at Rome, now he begins to speak to the Gentile portion. The enemy hasn’t changed his strategy much over the last 2,000+ years, in that he has desired to keep the prayer of Jesus in John 17 from becoming reality in the…
Read MoreRomans 10 Faith Comes By Hearing God’s Word
Paul makes it abundantly clear of his passion and compassion for the Jewish people for their salvation. He knew they had “a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.” They were ignorant of God’s plan for righteousness that the law was intended to lead them to faith in Christ; they insisted on “earning” favor…
Read MoreRomans 9 Contending for the Faith
Paul exposes his heart concerning the Jewish people and their response, as a nation, to the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus. We see here that he is willing to be “accursed from Christ” if they would receive Jesus as Lord. This people, chosen by God, had been adopted by the Father (so to…
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