Esther 6 The Providence of God

The providence of God is unique at times, which we read of in this chapter with the king unable to sleep. The record showed that nothing had been given to Mordecai for his having saved the life from Bigthana and Teresh’s plot. Upon hearing this, the king asked if any honor had been bestowed on Mordecai; which hadn’t. The king requested who was in king’s court, which was Haman. Haman had come to request Mordecai’s death on the gallows he had erected. It’s clear the king knew the national origin of Mordeai, that being a Jew.

The king desired to “honor” “the man whom the king delights” in; that being Mordecai. Haman’s response was based on self-pride and injustice toward Mordecai. All that was suggested pleased the king with the directive to do everything he had been told for Mordecai. There was an urgency about the directive, that ultimately doomed Haman. Knowing better than to disobey the king, Haman did exactly as he was told, leaving nothing missing.

It is easy to envision Haman, Zeresh, the rest of his family and friends leaving him alone and a part from them. They fully understood what this meant, Haman’s demise and death.

In the midst of all this, Haman was rushed to Queen Esther’s palace. He knew not what was in store for him as a result of this one short visit.

We referenced the “providence of God” earlier. The two illustrations of providence was the inability of the king to sleep and the other was Haman’s pride that was strategic in his being present when Ahseureus asked what could be done.

Friend, understand that God’s providence working in the lives of others can benefit you and work on your behalf. One of the keys is to all His to work out His purposes and plans in and for our lives. The question is, “will we give all Him to?”