Eternal Manicures!

Have you ever been complimented on how beautiful your feet look?  I haven’t!  Honestly, I don’t look at people’s feet much.  However one time I saw a diamond embedded in a toe nail of a lady once, but I’d never seen it if it weren’t for Kathy drawing my attention to it.

God says you’ve got beautiful feet when you share God’s faithfulness.

How lovely on the mountains

Are the feet of him who brings good news,

Who announces peace

And brings good news of happiness,

Who announces salvation,

And says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

Isaiah 52:7

When our testimony, bringing “good news;” speaks of healing of brokenness, happiness, deliverance/salvation – our feet are beautiful.

But note the last phrase, “And says to Zion (the church), “Your God reigns!” Our testimony ought to be a declaration, a reminder that God still reigns.  He reigns over finances, over health, over relationships, over decisions.

When you and declare the goodness of God in the land of the living, God gives us an eternal pedicure.