Ezra 8 The Attraction of Integrity

Ezra was a man of faith, which was evident by requesting to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. He could have asked for a military guard to protect them as they traveled; but felt it would a bit hypocritical of him to do so. The main concern he had was the gold, silver, utensils for worship, the animals that would sacrificed; as well as the people returning with him.

It’s interesting that he placed priests in charge of protecting and delivering the offerings sent by the king. Those amounted to nearly $900,000, plus the articles to be used in and for worship.

When entrusted with any amounts of a financial nature, those in ministry ought to be as the leaders selected by Ezra; men of integrity. Character qualities often flow from those in leadership to those they lead; because what we are is what we reproduce. Ezra’s leaders that had been delegated this solemn responsibility, were men of integrity and could be trusted with a large amount or small amount.

As leaders, we too need to cultivate integrity in our own lives, along with those we lead. The amount of what we’re given responsibility for isn’t the issue, integrity functions the same regardless of the amounts we are charged with. The greatest area we are given responsibility and charge of are the lives of people.

When these priests presented what they had been given to oversee and deliver, others “gave support”. Integrity is an attraction and motivation to connect with a team.