God Has the Final Say

God Has The Final Say
Psalm 29: 3 The voice of the Lord is over the waters; The God of glory thunders; The Lord is over many waters.
The bulk of this Psalm speaks of the “voice of the Lord” and the response/results that occur when He speaks. The waters speak of situations, challenges and crisis that confront saints. Yet David encourages us His voice is over them, i.e. He has authority over them. Recall the disciples when challenged by a storm, with Jesus in the boat asleep? He spoke “peace” and there was immediate response, because His “voice….is over the waters”.
His voice is supreme, “over many waters.” Whether it is a wilderness, entrenchments or squatters of doubt, fear, condemnation, guilt, shame or unbelief; His voice is over them all.
God has the final say and His is the “final answer”.