He Sees & He Hears

Psalm 34:15   The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their cry.

So often we read over again in the Psalms and other scriptures the proximity of Lord’s eyes and His ears.  When we receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, He makes us “the righteousness of God”; which makes us the focus of the His eyes.  He sees where and what we’re facing.

Not only does He see, He hears our cries, literally our shouts, as well.  The times you’re encircled and shouted, screamed or yelled; He heard.  He takes no pleasure in listening to our cries due to distress; rather He is moved with compassion moving pieces in place to remedy the need.

Viewing and listening are two great expressions of His audacious love for us.