Neh. 1 Faithful Where We’re Planted

Nehemiah gives us the account of reconstruction and rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem. He likely over heard some people speaking Hebrew, referring to Jerusalem’s status; which prompted him to question as to what was the status there. The response was less than favorable as this “cupbearer” who must have been from a family of great influence in Jerusalem prior to the captivity.

When Nehemiah heard the wall had broken down and the gates were burned; his first response was identification and personal repentance. Throughout this prayer we read Nehemiah’s heart for HIS city. There was a heart-felt desire for assistance to be released on behalf of the restoration and rebuilding.

He determined that God wanted him to be the answer to his own prayer request. To permit that become a reality, he asked for mercy toward the king and prosperity in his request to return.

When we read he was a “cupbearer”, it doesn’t mean much to us. However Nehemiah had been entrusted with one of the most important responsibilities and trusted responsibilities for the kind that required integrity.

Even though he was a successful in his current task he had never quite been in that position before. It took a great amount of faith on his part to stand in the gap, for a king; rather a nation’s destiny hung in the balance.

All of this was able to happen because of being faithful to the place he had been positioned by the Lord. Our position may not seem very important; yet as we’re faithful while there the Lord will always open doors for us to have a greater impact than ever before.