No Shave Zones

Jer. 26: 2  ‘Stand in the court of the Lord’S house, and speak to all the cities of Judah, which come to worship in the Lord’S house, all the words that I command you to speak to them. Do not diminish a word.

No, I am not advocating we all grow beards, even though for some of us it might help our appearance.

I am speaking of “no shave zones” when it comes to speaking the word the Lord has given us to share.  As ministers, all are called to minister, we’re not to diminish any word the Lord gives to us.  Diminish means to “shave off” or “lessen”.   The goal is that people will “listen” to the Lord and heed His word!

Speak the fullness of what He’s given, not a politically correct or religiously accepted version of truth.  Yes we speak “the truth in love”; but love does speak truth!

Don’t shave His Word!