Press On

Psalm 77: 3   I remembered God, and was troubled; I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed. Selah

Asaph found himself in distress, without much hope of getting out of his dilemma.  He found some solace in the memories of divine intervention on behalf of Israel and apparently didn’t get much encouragement, as he pens “my spirit was overwhelmed”.

How the Psalm ends, we’re left to conjuncture and personal opinion.

Memories are useful when they encourage us and real downers when we are left hopeless.

The saint of God is left with two options; to wallow in self-pity or determine to press on toward the high calling we have in Christ.  Don’t live life looking in the rearview mirror wishing a time machine could take you back.  Press on with the Lord.

Refuse to live a life of regret and continue to walk the path of life with the faith once delivered to the saints; Jesus is Lord, He loves us and still has destiny and hope for each us.

Press on!