Prophetic Presbytery

Timothy had been commissioned prior to Paul’s charge we read in these verses, which he either had heard or knew about.  What is the purpose of a prophetic presbytery?   There are several referenced in this scripture.

1 Tim. 1: 18, 19 This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare,
having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck,

One, they served as a reminder when assailed by questions from without or within questioning his calling and gifting.  Timothy would be able to stand and be victorious.

Two, they would assist the young pastor to remember the faith he possessed, rather than giving heed to doubts about the quality and strength of his faith.

Third, they would serve as a guard against error in doctrine, dogma, integrity and ethics.

Remember the prayers prayed over you when you were “co-missioned” into the ministry; by them you will stand and stand strong!