Reconciliation Elevates

Old people are seen as being selfish and crotchety old people.  Paul in his later years didn’t come across that way.  We read that in his twilight of life, he had a concern for Onesimus and his relationship with a mutual friend, Philemon.  Whoever Onesimus was and whatever he did to be thought of as “unprofitable” we are not told.  But he had a transformation of sorts which made him not “profitable” not only for Paul but Philemon as well.  What caused Paul to take a second look and give a second chance?  Again, we don’t have the details, but whatever it may have been Paul was prompted to act as a mediator and appeal for reconciliation and restoration.

Note that Onesimus wasn’t returning just a “servant” but a beloved “brother”.  You see reconciliation and restoration always elevate!

Is there someone you need to take a second look at, give a second chance.  You just add a brother or sister to your ever expanding family in the Kingdom.