The Value of Faith

You are likely familiar with the verse that reminds us of how faith is received, Rom. 10:17 – by hearing the Word.  Once we hear and heed the Word what is the benefit of having faith?

How important and vital is faith to the life of a believer?  Faith is referenced over 220 times in the New Testament, it must be important.  Hebrews 11 unveils at least 29 benefits of faith for us

A life of faith produces a testimony, a good testimony. Faith brings understanding of creation.  Faith offers excellent sacrifices which continue to speak. Faith pleases God! Faith prompts us to prepare because we’re given insight into God’s redemptive purposes. Faith calls; calls us to places we don’t know and empowers us to live in various kinds of situations. Faith enables us to be abundantly productive even when it’s contrary to our natural capabilities. Faith graces us in how to die. Faith enables us when confronted with tests so we can pass them and receive promises; even ridiculous tests.

Faith sustains us to see multi-generations so we can bless them. Faith is other focused, even when facing death. Faith sees potential. Faith empowers us to make tough right choices, not just easy choices. Faith graces us to leave comfort for covenant. Faith enables us to confront formidable challenges and come through more than conquerors. Faith sees obstacles become stepping stones to destiny. Faith expands the family of God. Faith gives us a “good testimony”.

WOW!  “These are for me!”  How about you?