Trust Him

Nahum 1:7  The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

Viewing the landscapes nationally and globally, there’s great anxiety, apprehension and fear of what is next.  It is in such seasons as this that we need to continue trusting in the Lord God Almighty.

Someone say “Amen”!

Nahum wrote to a nation that had essentially turned their back on the God Who had provided the land they lived on.  Sounds familiar to the United States.  Yet in the midst of the decadence and evil that was pervasive, God had a remnant and the prophet’s admonition needs to be resounded today to those who will dare to TRUST HIM!

Three characteristics of God are discovered: 1) He’s good!, 2) He’s strong & 3) He knows!

God is “good”, the calamities and challenges that confront our world are not His doing, there’s a counter host waging war to detour hearts from yielding to Almighty God.  Yet currently there are dramatic healings taking place in China, even in the midst of coronavirus.  Government has failed, yet the Church is ministering and bringing not only hope but also health through prayers of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is no power that is greater, stronger than the Lord, He is strong and the source of strength.  We can run to Him in the time of trouble and He will defend and protect those that are His.

God “knows” what we are faced with and going through.  He who takes note when a sparrow falls to the ground, He knows who you are, where you are and what you need.

When we trust Him, He knows it and imparts good to us.  He also is a strong hold when we’re assailed by the enemy.   When we trust Him we know His name and can run to His name that is our strong tower.

Trust Him!