Unto Us A Child Is Born, A Son Will Be Given

What an incredible, hope instilling prophecy Isaiah pens under inspiration of the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 9:6, 7).  In these two verses, the prophet unveils the essence for Messiah’s coming, the Lord Jesus Christ.  In the midst of these words, names that would reveal His mission and message are given.  Then and even now, people often select names of their children that hold prophetic destiny, not only for the child but for those their lives will intersect with as well.

In a recent reading and contemplation of those two verses the reading affected me differently, in that I saw there were essentially four names by which Jesus mission and ministry would be characterized by.  “And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”.

His counsel is wonderful, as it emanates from the heart of His Father.  In His counsel, there is not the mere capacity to identify the problem; but the resolution the challenge presents.  His counsel is wise, timely, compassionate and eternal.

He is THE mighty God!  Part of what makes His counsel wonderful, is that He is Mighty!  There is no other name above the name of Jesus!  Pharaoh came to realize that, the man by the pool, the woman who had lost her son, Mary and Martha and ultimately the world as well.  The cross didn’t take His life, He gave it; the grave couldn’t keep Him and hell couldn’t stand Him.

He is eternal, everlasting Father!  We have eternity in our hearts (Ecc. 3:11), that’s how we’re born.  Because of His eternality, He comes as Mighty God, imparting Wonderful Counsel that empowers us to outlast any problem, circumstance or challenge presented to our path of life.  The “issue”, whatever it may be will not last forever!  But you and I will!

He is the author of Shalom, Prince of Peace!  His peace is eternal, it is a guardian for our minds, it goes beyond human comprehension and can’t be fabricated.  Recipients of this Prince’s Peace, are those who surface in the midst of chaos, much like Joseph in Egypt.  Availing ourselves of His Peace, opens doors for the declaration of His Wonderful Counsel.

The first line in verse 7 declares “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end”.  His rule and His peace are eternal.  Whatever is on the horizon, nationally or personally, you and I can rest in the truth of Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the Child’s birth Whom we celebrate.  He was born into this world, but He is not of this world.

May this Christmas Season be a time that His names are manifest to you and your’s, throughout the coming year.

Because He Came –  Gary & Kathy